White Guys Secretly Love Black Girls.

I know what you’re thinking… This title is a liiiiitle dramatic. But I promise you it’s not. For the last 8 years I’ve been doing living this experiment (I wasn’t allowed to date until I turned 15). But this past week really made me want to figure out why white guys hid feeling this way.

Growing up I was surrounded by both races. Most of my friends were white but that’s just what I was around – I’ve never preferred one over the other. My dads side of the family would say things to me like, “you’re wearing your hair wet like a white girl” – mind you I have curly hair that has to be wet in order to curl. My white friends would say I wasn’t really black and my black friends would say I acted white – still confused about this one. But honestly, I still I never saw color or understood what those comments meant. When it came to my friends, I just saw who I connected with and who I had a bond with. When it came to my actions, I just did whatever was comfortable for me. Fortunately for me I could do all of that around both groups.

The first guy I ever had a crush on was in elementary school, his name was Raleigh, he was white, and we became really great friends – looking back he probably never felt the same way as me because I was twice his size in all aspects – but in my mind I just wasn’t his “type” (yes 3rd graders understand the concept of crushes). In middle school, I had tons of white guy friends but none ever showed any interest like the black guys, so 8th grade was the kick-starter to dating black guys. Everyone always assumes that I would only date one type of a guy: black athlete, but you’re WRONG. I’ve been going that route because that’s who I thought only liked me. WRONG, hence my title. Now, I can’t speak for all of the white guys in the world or all black girls in the world, but I spend a lot of time being generalized so for blog purposes I’ll do the same. In high school, I dated a black athlete, shocker, but over the years I would get my most hated compliment, “Morgan’s the hottest black girl I know” or “you’re so hot for a black girl” or anything else you can add attractive and black to. No one ever said it to be insulting but I mean come on, really??? That’s another story in itself so I digress. By my senior year though, I had mysteriously won ‘Most Attractive’ as a senior superlative after never being approached by a single white guy in the hallways…. *crickets* Then I went to college, and you’d think that between two large universities with a combined total of over 40,000 students, one in the north and one in the south, things would change. Somewhat they did. A whopping total of two white guys expressed feelings for me. TWO. One of which was Australian so technically he doesn’t count but I like to count him to make myself feel better. So in a total of 8 years of being dateable, two guys tried…sober. That’s when I came to the realization that it wasn’t me not being their type. In hindsight, white guys always found me attractive because they secretly love black girls. How do I know? Because without failure, it always came out in one of two ways: anonymity and alcohol. An anonymous vote – all about it. Liquid courage – all over it. But catch a white guy out on a normal day – swerved.

So why is it so hard for white guys to approach black girls they are interested in? As I do most things, I took my questions to my friends – guys and girls, black and white.

A lot of my black girl friends experience my same frustrations. They’ve had love professed to them after hours and after a few drinks. My white girl friends say it’s just a “white guy thing” – they’re not nearly as aggressive as black guys (maybe that’s why so many date black guys?). My white guy friends say I’m intimidating, literally a triple threat: pretty, taller than most guys, and black (if that matters) and that maybe I should go up to them. And my black guy friends just don’t understand why I even care to go outside of my race – typical, but why not?

This isn’t a race thing like I used to believe. The gigs up guys, I’m onto you! I can firmly say that I know you love black girls because I have witnessed it. I see how you react when you’re drinking, I know our brown skin and hair is so beautifully unique to you, and I obviously count this as a scientific/proven experiment since I have lived it and asked a “focus group”. Imagine all of the other fish in the sea there are if you could approach us in the grocery store on a Tuesday instead of hammered at the bar on a Saturday night. All I’m saying is, it’s 2015 and not only is combining races in a relationship not a big deal anymore, it’s also a hashtag so that obviously means it’s totally fine (#teamswirl).

So this week and this month I challenge you – and all other readers outside of those who fall in the topic of choice – to step out of your comfort zone a little. If you see something you like, go get it. Life’s too short to not speak up on how you feel (clearly).

Happy Monday!

13 Comments Add yours

  1. Mar says:

    You just spoke my mind… I’m a black and I am considered an “Oreo”. Much like you, I’ve been around both white and black people however the majority of my friends are white. Like you mentioned in the article people often tell me that “you’re really pretty for a black girl.” This somewhat offends me, because I didn’t know you had to be a certain skin color to be considered beautiful. I’ve only dated one white guy, and I must admit it was quite the experience, in a good way of course. I’m still in high school (almost done thank goodness) and besides that one guy I have yet for another white guy to ever do that. But anyways, I really appreciate this article. It has quite the humor too. I will try to believe that White guys like Black girls… Although they’re too scared and ‘sober’ to say so. I guess we’re so awesome that we are considered a “triple threat”… Which is okay by me I suppose. Thank you anyways. You gave me a little more confidence, because let’s just say I’m a little interested in a white guy. Happy 2016!


  2. Tracy E says:

    Another insightful well written post where do i subscribe ??


  3. John Mason II says:

    I am a caucasian male who found himself attracted to black women. However, I was afraid to approach them because I always made an incorrect assumption about something. Either they already had a boyfriend, they would not be into interracial dating, etc. Regardless to say it was always something that kept me from speaking to them other than maybe a hello. Then I finally realized my mindset was ridiculous so I decided to muster up the courage. I am glad i did because i have been married now for over 9 years to a gorgeous woman and have a beautiful daughter with her. I have learned over the years that black women and women in general just want a man that will treat them good and take care of them and that ethnic background really doesnt have much to do with dating in most cases. I personally love seeing interracial couples of all ethnic backgrounds, this is a great thing for society and proves MLKs dream all the much sweeter and establishes beyond any doubt that love is colorblind.


  4. Trevor says:

    Yes, you’re right, many do love black girls. I’m a white guy and think you are one of the most gorgeous women I’ve seen!


  5. Kimberly says:

    Wow! I like the post, but it seems you’re saying they’ll only talk to us when they’re drinking. And they only find us attractive beccause we’re unique (which we are , obviously)


    1. morgfreeman says:

      Oh no, not ONLY when drinking. I work with white guys, I’m friends with white guys, I love them like any other person! But this is just what has happened in majority of my experiences. Thank you for reading though and the comment, I appreciate it!


  6. Luigi Primavera says:

    I love Black girls, and Yes I SHOUT IT!
    Hope You are doing fine 🙂


  7. Lola says:

    You are so right!

    Source: (Non-race related) Divorced from white male; currently being pursued by another.👍🏽

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dean Pretsch says:

    What can I say? Well for starters, I love your blog/article (I am really tired) and I want be clear about one thing, this is just from my experiences and nothing more; what man wouldn’t be embarrassed to go talk to a woman he fell in love with at first sight? Silly? Nah. I do believe in love at first sight. That, my fellow writer, is how I felt in love with my black girlfriend. I’ll give you the story since it is a bit interesting. I play in my school’s band. So during homecoming we marched and played during the halftime show. But it was pouring rain and all sad. After the halftime show, we blitzed to change out of our wet uniforms and leave. That is when I fell in love. I was just about to leave when I seen her just standing there. She needed assistance to find the band room. So I went and showed her. Then I waited for her because I wanted to know more about her. And I am glad I waited. She gave me her phone number and we texted/called each other. But what I didn’t know then is that she fell in love with me. Fast forward a couple of weeks; we are truly in love. Not that fake crud that does happen. We kissed for the second time yesterday and that felt good. I do agree that white makes love black females. I’m going to be honest and say that I always had crushes on black females. That’s all she wrote. Thank you for the blog/article. And thank you for reading my comment

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lawrence says:

    White English guy here – I LOVE BLACK women. I don’t know why but I always have and always will. I don’t hide that fact from anyone – I couldn’t give a f*!ck what people think of my attraction. I’ve dated women of different backgrounds – white, black, Latin, asian, middle eastern – and as far as I’m concerned I like what I like. I’ve had issues with guys of other races in the past – particularly black and middle eastern guys who don’t like me being with ‘their’ women – whatever the s$!t that means – as if I’ve got to ask their permission to approach a girl who happens to have their skin tone. Occasionally I’ve actually had to back off talking to women because of this – ie if I’m in a club where I’m literally the only white guy and I’m making some dudes who think they’re some kind of God’s to women feel insecure just because I’m talking to ‘their chicks’ (who I always double check are single!). This has ended up in guys physically attacking me for no reason. Anyway – I always think it’s best to hangout in mixed groups as people can get way to hung up about race/nationality – it’s stupid, but hey, people are dumb and insecure sometimes:)….

    Btw, I actually found this blog by googling ‘white guy with hot black girls’. I was just watching some music videos and it occurred to me – I see plenty of videos with black and mixed race guys surrounded by white girls but I’ve never seen it the other way round….amazingly I couldn’t even find a single picture – I think your on to some wierd taboo here. Anyway – thanks for the perspective – enjoyed the article – probably more worthwhile than staring at a picture of music video girls lol…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. morgfreeman says:

      hahaha Lawrence this made my day! Thank you reading it first off but also, thank you for being YOU and not letting the guys of other races scare you off. I’ve always found race so interesting growing up in a mixed kind of world so sharing my experiences and hearing others is what this post was about. Good luck in the future and keep checking out the site 🙂


  10. Alberto says:

    I love Black girls, they’re lovely ,.Since i was a teen, like many of my friends.I Am italian, and my best relation have been with a wonderful West Indies Chocolate.I met her in Tenerife during her holidays ( she come from London)And still is,even if She tell me , that my culture is very strong and I’ was stubben so many times. I went to live in London,She came to Italy( She love Italy) .
    She’s very strong and stubben even more, and honestly SOMEtimes we have misanderstanding.
    But I’m telling you, everyone normal love Black girls and Black people too.
    Communication, flexibilty, open mind and open heart,respect.
    I love you.


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